Mortgage Refinancing in Regina, SK
Are you looking to refinance your property so you can access some of the equity built up? You can refinance your mortgage to take equity of your home if you have equity in excess of 20% of the value of your home.
Access Your Equity
Do you have a current mortgage and are looking to payout some debt or perhaps do some renovations? Maybe you want to consolidate some debts, start a new business, buy a vacation or purchase an investment property… regardless of the reason, I will discuss all your mortgage refinancing options with you and help you to secure the best mortgage available.
Get the best mortgage advice from your award winning Trusted Regina mortgage broker.
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The Value of Your Home
The value of your home is the key to doing a refinance. The value of the home is typically determined by an appraisal.
The Process
Preapproval: Requires credit bureau to be pulled
Collect: Collection of documents
Apply: Application sent to lender
Appraisal: Order of appraisal (if required)
Legal: Mortgage is instructed to the lawyer
Sign: Signing with the lawyer
Closing: Wait for closing date
From Baltic Avenue to Boardwalk, I can help you finance it!