Mortgage Customer Testimonials

Ilove what I do and when my customers take the time to share their experience with me, I am so grateful. I value feedback from my clients and strive to always provide outstanding service and to exceed expectations.

Skott recently helped my husband and I with buying our first home. As first-time home buyers, we had many questions and uncertainties about the steps we needed to take, but Skott and his team streamlined the process into something understandable and easy. Uploading documents was simple, and any questions that arose were answered very efficiently; we were never hanging on and waiting for a response. I will be recommending his services to friends and family!


Skott was so easy to work with, I had a lot of questions and a lot of back and forth and he was always very responsive, responding back via texts, calls or email, which was efficient and helpful when I needed a quick chat or answer. He worked with me to get the best situation (rates) possible and would recommend him if you’re looking for a mortgage broker.

Jess K

Skott is a very approachable person. His positive attitude is infectious to others and is part of why I like working with him. He has a knack for deep knowledge and experience in the mortgage industry. He has helped several of my clients secure a mortgage or refinance their current ones’

Jenni Bast

Trusted Regina Approved

In 2017, I was approved as a Trusted Regina mortgage broker.  ALL the businesses featured on the Regina directory have been checked and verified, and they are annually contracted to uphold the 5 TRUSTED GUARANTEES of service! 


 Trusted Guarantees

Provide the service and quality promised

Charge the price quoted with NO surprises

Charge the price quoted with NO surprises

Communicate honestly and respond to customer needs

Resolve any issues with customer satisfaction in mind

Complete the job on time


From Baltic Avenue to Boardwalk, I can help you finance it!